I was on Facebook browsing when I saw a link that caught my eye. I clicked on it and read
Why Men Aren't Really Men Anymore by Paul Hudson.
Honestly, I'm appalled.
How can someone write such an article? We can't expect to men to be Gentlemen if women aren't Ladies anymore either. Let's take a look at what a Gentlemen or Lady is defined as….
gen·tle·man (n.)
1. A man of gentle or noble birth or superior social position: "He's too much a gentleman to be a scholar"(Aphra Behn).
2. A well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior. See Usage Note at
3. A man of independent means who does not need to have a wage-paying job.
la·dy (n.)
1. A well-mannered and considerate woman with high standards of proper behavior.
a. A woman regarded as proper and virtuous.
b. A well-behaved young girl.
When I think of true ladies and gentlemen, the best example I can think of is Downton Abbey (the t.v. show if you all haven't seen it, you should check it out! It's very addicting!)
Ladies had poise and would carry themselves with respect and clarity. Until the society started changing (while women's place was still in the home) they lived with their families until they were married and respected their family. Men were the head of the household and you were either working class or had a social position. Obviously there is so much more than that, but this isn't my point.
The problem with our society isn't the lack of ladies or gentlemen, even though that does make up a good portion of it. The problem is that everyone feels entitled to the best of everything without having to earn it.
Honestly, I fear that Generation Y is going to run our nation in the ground. I was standing in line at CVS and there were two guys standing behind me that were about the same age as I am. One was saying to the other how he had no aspirations in life and was going to get "some girl" pregnant so they could live off of the system. That is a HUGE problem. Men aren't aspiring to be carpenters, plumbers… We have transitioned to people just playing video games, taking pictures online for whoever to see, and we no longer have to cook for ourselves because meals come prepackaged and are microwavable. No one respects each other or trusts each other ever. Women and Men both have this problem.
Everyone in Generation Y needs to work together to change the people around us. We can be better than this. We can revert back to proper social nature and be Ladies and Gentlemen. This is a beauty that comes with proper society and we can gasp it if we want.